2016 Photos
Brian- Got these in Polk County.
Nico- 11' 7" 539lbs caught him with a throw hook I purchased from you on flat rope as well!
Hunter: Alex Guide: Ryan Beasley 2016 Georgia Zone 7 12'4" Taken with crossbow, AMS bolts/bang stick.
Used your big hook to pull in this monster last year. Santee in south Carolina. 12'6" 810 lbs
Seth- 11ft. First night ever hunting gator, bought or made all my gear,Caught on your prerigged lungs.
Kody- Caught him sept 14 at JD MURPHREE WMD 10'7" 320.5lbs
Frank, Leon Co FL, 6'4" meat gator. Hit it with one of your darts and it immediately went under very thick vegetation.
Jordan- Thanks for keeping the website up and always providing quality gear!
Allen n Austin- 10'4 Mississippi. With rod n reel n snatch hook....
STEVE "SCUBA" -Here is a gator I got in September 2016 at a place we call duck pond in south Carolina.
Mike- We got this 10’ 7 ½” monster this morning in Lake Jessup!
Jerry- biggest from the southeast zone in Mississippi this year. 12' even,& hit between 560 and 580 on scales.
9' 4" caught in highlands county using snatch hook and harpoon
Noah- I ordered some of your 12 inch treble hooks last year and gave them to a friend of mine, Steve Curle who is a professional hunter in Zimbabwe.
2015 Photos
Brian- A 9’5” from Lake County. The second one is my son with a 9’ from Lake County.
Goinlowoutdoors-Needed emergency bait for the weekend and you came through in a crunch as my local slaughter houses were out. I caught both of these 11ft (11ft and 11ft/6in) Gators back to back on the same piece of bait thanks to you!!!
Brad-11 footer in Georgetown, South Carolina. I harvested this gator thanks to Alligator Hunting Equipment LLC.
Christina- Gator we got with your hooks in SC. Our season is only one month in September and by lottery.
Tommy-SC alligator 11ft 1in. Gator was swimming on top of water, and I snagged him with a treble hook.
Raymond- G.A.- It was fun going unguided and have the right equipment to hunt with.
Jesss- A 10'4" and a 10'9" from Okeechobee.
Matt- I bought the starter kit, and used the 12/0 snatch hook, harpoon, and .357 bangstick to take 2 gators this season. The first was a 6'6 female (first ever gator so we were pretty excited) and second was a 10'1 bull. Thanks for the gear and rigging tips, I'd recommend this gear to anyone.
Alicia and Justin- Here's are a few pictures of a 7 and 9 footers my wife (Alicia) and I harvested hunting in Franklin CountyYou have the best price prices on gator hunting equipment and its all high quality stuff. Not to mention, you talked with me for over an hour on the phone answering all of the questions I had.
Zach- Mississippi 9fter,11fter, and a runt 7’3” Thanks for the great equipment.
Alex- Caught on your hooks, bought bang stick and harpoon from you! Get everything but fishing pole and line from you! Thanks man!
Fernando-These were all taken with your harpoons and snag hooks. Thanks for the products. Looking forward to pulling some tags this year.
Branden- Here's a couple from this past year in Tallahassee. Both gators over 10ft and taken using your products. Thanks!
Arlene -The harpoon and bang stick did the job.
Jarrod- Had a great hunting season this past year, we had a blast....The snag hooks worked great.
Glen (dad), Jack, and Toby-T.X.-Caught on gear bought from you. They had a blast.
David-Arkanas-using the DIY Harpoon kit with hybrid darts. You can see the harpoon cable in second picture.
8 foot caught in highlands county florida. Used snatched hook and harpoon.
Garland- All thanks to yalls hooks I was able to get this 8 1/2 footer. Thanks again for the great product.
David- This was my first year gator hunting. Thank you for the great equipment and advice.
Chris- Two in one night!!
2014 Photos
Sid - 12 ft 6.5 inches. 715 pounds. Down to one snatch hook when he surfaced. We would have never harvested this south ms monster if it hadn't been for your harpoon kit. It was super easy to set up. I was literally putting it together in lowes parking lot the morning of the hunt.
Trae - 13'1" 660 pounds. We got him on October 1, 2014 on Lake Blackshear in Georgia.
Glenn best day ever 3 giants 11’6 10’6 10’5 all with your stuff.
Steve - 8.3 ft gator out of lake george my first gator thanks for the good gear.
William - 11'1"/ 935 lbs Clayton, Louisiana
Skyler - Here is a gator I took with my wife utilizing all your great equipment. This gal was 8'6 and our first one-!
Darrell - 13' 0" alligator killed on lake eufaula. Thanks for the good service and great products.
Dan - Daughters first Gator 9/2, Lake Seminole.
Alex - Sta 2. Was a 9'6 had him on for about an hour and a half.
Chris - Gator was harvested out of STA1-W in Palm Beach County and was 10’ 2” we also pulled a 10’ 7” gator.
Fred - Three marker on the Waccamaw River, Myrtle Beach SC with a cross bow. Our favorite swimming hole. 9'2", 150lb.
7ft gator caught in c41 canal in lake placid using snatched hook and harpoon bought from your website.
Brad - 13ft
Dave - Thank you for the gear that was very reliable, despite costing less than other manufacturers! He did bend the barb on the big snatch hook I used to fight him, but it stayed in and had to be cut out, afterward. Oh, and this was our very first gator hunt!
Travis - I just wanted to send you another thank you for your great customer service. I have attached a picture of a gator we got last week.
2013 Photos
Joe - 12'4 using your snatch hooks and big snack hook.
Ana - Killed my first gator last year, 6.9ft.
David - 10'6" Eufaula
Danny - This was a 6' gator. Just a baby, but proud since it was our first.
Cal - 10'1 Your site, equipment, and price made my choice easy.
Jake - 11'5 - 13'
We used the gear to tag and release some gators on a wildlife refuge in SC. Taking blood and tissue samples for toxicology studies. 12'1
Raelynn - first Gator of the year in 2013
D.j. We used your big snatch hook to drag him off the bottom. He measured 9ft exactly!
Danny - I got this 10'2 Gator using one of your hybrid darts on Lake Okeechobee
The Huntley family - Picture of the Team that got this 8 footer with your equipment.
Josh 11'2
9'1 Female, I completed my first ever gator hunt 100% solo in a 70 year old 12' aluminum fishing boat.
Tommy - 11'8 caught our first night out. Used your bait pegs and harpoon tips I bought from you last year.
Troy - >10'1 in Alabama near Mobile
William - Arkansas 13ft
Jon-Paul - Ours was in just under 12' and 540 lbs.
Will - 12'8" 597.5 lbs. killed on the Alabama River. Used hybrid darts and drivers.
Troy 5'4 Getting this guy mounted.also got 8'2 & 10'7 Love the dimmers and the strobes.
James -11'9" caught using your equipment the I bought the season before last. Top notch.
Francis 12 Feet 7 Inches. Taken in Crescent Lake.Everything worked perfectly and held up to some very, very heavy strain!
Jim - 10 footer caught.
Che de - Here's my gator 8'4" landed thanks to your hooks.
Kathy first Gator ever. 10ft
Nathan - Brought my six year old son to St. John's county for his first gator hunt we got this 6'6.
Sarah - He was 11'5; 500 lbs
Lee - Come off of the Pearl River in MS 12' 545 pounds (estimated) Used your snatch hooks.
David - Got this monster this last season using your dart tips. 3'1
Justin - 13 foot killed in Calhoun County
Jason - 9'2 10'8 central alabama 2013 harpoons and snatch hooks.
Cody - 10'8 in Arkansas with harpoon.
Capt. Wayne - 12'10 - 13'7 - 12'8 Safe to say your equipment holds up.
Chris - Hooked in the eye.
James 11' Charleston, SC
Glenn At Newnan lake in Gainesville 11ft with your harpoon.
2012 Photos
Thanks for the great equipment! Had an awesome hunt. Two 8'
James Cox
"11'4' caught on your equipment work really good"
Ron Rock
Preston and Jacob
"Putting there first gator of the season back on ice"
Hal Camp
Christine Stone
"12 foot 6 gator we caught with your hooks"
Stephen Phuong Nguyen
"10 footer caught off your equipment"
Daniel Curry
"I would like to say thanks for making a good product at a great price. It all works flawlessly."
Matt Gianella
Jonathan Bonnett
Lake Moultrie, SC. 2012.. 119 inch, 303 lb
"I will be ordering more in the next year. Thanks for having what we needed"
Corey Frauenfelder
Nico Schoenfuss
John Wasmuth
Matt Henson
"Gator from Hell n Blazes. 9 foot 10 inches"
Miguel Deflation
Nuisance trapper
2011 Photos
David From SC

Charlie From GA "Got this gator on the last day"

Blake "Very happy with the gear I got from you."
Citrus County 10'1
Thought I would send you a pic of the gator we harvested August 19,2011 near Selma Alabama. We used your 10/0 weighted snagging hooks. He was 11' and 380 pounds.
1st Gator 9'6 Caught by Kris.
Jason 7'8
11'7 Friday night in Georgia, hooks did there job
Alligator Hunt, 9/3/2011: Forrest & Zach Moore, Lake Eufaula, AL, 12 ft long